Sunday, November 15, 2009

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day -- 15 November 2009

It's that time again! Here's What's blooming in my yard today:

  • Tomato (Yes! They are still blooming, so I can continue to have tomatoes till they freeze!)
  • Nasturtiums
  • Canna lilies (tho' barely)
  • Impatiens
  • White "potato" vine
  • Geranium (tho' barely)
  • Rose (tho' barely)
  • Purple Potato Plant
  • Vining Plumbago
  • plus a variety of weeds :-(

So, the list is quite short this month.

The other news on the gardening front is that the turnip seeds I planted a little over a week ago are sprouting great-guns. The poor cabbage plant that was being devoured by aphids is growing quite nicely now that I've scrubbed it free of aphids. The cabbage plant that only had a few aphids (which I also scrubbed) is looking very lovely, almost decorative, as it fills its planter. The other two cabbages that I transplanted the same day that I sowed the turnip seeds are also progressing well. The four cabbage plants are of nicely graduated sized, so I should have a nicely graduated harvest.  :-)


  1. Cabbages are gorgeous in the garden.
    Dang I missed the 15th AGAIN. Maybe some other year I'll be more attentive to what's blooming.

  2. I keep thinking that I need to add a reminder in my calendar on the 14th of every month: "Tomorrow is GBBD." But I fear the date would pass while I was trying to remember what GBBD was. ;-)
