Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy [Chinese] New Year!

OK. The wild and wacky winter weather of the west is confusing the plants.  The daffodils in the front yard are coming up and setting buds. WTFO?  We had quite the blustery January weekend, what with the bouts of rain and gusts of wind.

This weekend I made sure to get the house vacuumed so I wouldn't have to "sweep away the chi and good luck" the first thing in the Chinese New Year. Today I have the front and back doors open (dang! but it's chilly!) to let in the chi and good luck.  Happily, I live in the Silicon Valley where it's over 50 outside and not below freezing!  (Sorry, Laura!)  I've got the thermostat turned way down and I'm bundled up, but I think I'll soon declare it to be ENOUGH!

Late yesterday afternoon, my brother called to give me the Year of the Ox feng shui updates for people born in the Year of the Horse (that's me).  Something brass or bronze that has tarnished so it's no longer "yellow" needs to go at the center of the north side of my house and at the center of the west side of my house.  Well, my tarnished brass doorknob is on the west side and I moved my poor, un-polished-in-far-too-long bronze dragon sculpture to the curio shelf in the middle of the north side.  Now I need to track down something blue that I can put in one of the bathroom windows (east side) for the year.  Shouldn't be too hard.

All of these changes/additions are for abundant health.

Apparently, I need to add a fruiting plant to my o! so dark front hall to ensure prosperity for the year.  Guess I'm screwed on the prosperity front. But then, so is much of the rest of the world.

Happy New Year!


  1. I think that my daffodils are usually blooming mid-February, so it's not a TON early. I guess I need to get my own fung shooey expert to tell me where to put my brass.

  2. I don't know why I'm usually surprised to see them smilin' at me in mid-February, but I usually get over it. But this is 2-3 weeks earlier than that!

    Well, I'll have happy, smiley daffodils to look at and maybe photograph... if I get some snail bait out there NOW.
